Homeland Insecurity Podcast – S3 E5 “The Yoga Play”

Homeland Insecurity Podcast – S3 E5 “The Yoga Play”

Like an angel and a devil perched on our beloved listeners’ shoulders, your hosts battle it out once again regarding the feasibility of recent Homeland developments and the general direction of season three. There is one thing we definitely agree on though: NO MORE DANA. PLEASE. PLEASE.

Besides Romeo and Juliet 2013, we discuss the fall of Saul, the Virgil family tree, and our new Gus Fring-y bad guy!



Homeland (in)Security is an unofficial podcast focusing the excellent Showtime drama ‘Homeland’. Starting back at season 1 episode 1, we will devote a show to each episode and discuss important plot points, character development, theories, and any relevant news related to the show. We don’t take ourselves too seriously and hope to make this a show that is fun and engaging, so we welcome all feedback and comments as we figure out what the heck we are doing! Please contact us at homelandpodcast@gmail with any listener feedback. Also, please rate and subscribe!

